Barton Publishing, based in Brandon South Dakota, was founded in 2003 by Joe Barton
A gestational diabetes diet plan is necessary to help protect your long term health and the health of your baby.

Most women don’t know how to cure gestational diabetes, but all it takes is a proper 5-step diet plan.

You, like me, are probably tired of hearing about this or that diet plan. The science is in and the evidence is out: the only other thing that comes close to being as important as good “gestational diabetes” diet plan is your beliefs and attitudes toward your health.

There couldn’t be a more important time in “both” your lives than now, to discover the healing edge of eating and thinking in a more empowering fashion.

Isn’t it funny how Mother Nature gives nutritional priority to the newly developing life growing inside your body? This is exactly why a diet plan for preventing, treating and curing gestational diabetes is so very important.

You are living in an age of great discoveries. Every day scientists learn new consequences and benefits of our food choices. The right gestational diet plan is a result of making wise choices to help create a healthier baby.

Diabetes is really just a symptom of a nutritional imbalance at the cellular level.

Dr. Inder Singh reported in the Lancet1, the amazing results of a study which had 80 diabetic patients on a very restrictive low-fat diet, consuming only 20 to 30 grams of fat a day, and sugar intake was lowered to zero.

Within six weeks, more than 60% of the patients no longer required insulin! Later, that number rose to more than 70%!

Even though gestational diabetes is a temporary imbalance associated with pregnancy, it should be treated and cured with the utmost importance for the sake of both mother and child.

There’s a reason why the low-fat diet plan will work for gestational diabetes, as well.

Think of your pancreas as a thermostat, except that instead of turning on heat, it turns on insulin in the presence of sugar.

As it turns out, high levels animal fat blocks your insulin from controlling the sugar in your blood2.

In a nut shell, if you are suffering from gestational diabetes or interested in preventing, treating or curing diabetes through wise eating habits, then simply follow this 5-step gestational diabetes diet plan:

1. Reduce saturated fat

2. Eliminate all refined sugar

3. Increase natural fiber intake

4. Drink naturally alkaline water

5. geGet mild levels of exercise

Check out also for The Diabetes Solution Kit and Diabetes Reversed Spice

That’s what the front page of the New York Times and the covers of all the big magazines should be printing.

The reality of the matter is you can expect mainstream media to be the last to ever publish an event like this because then they would lose their biggest sponsors: the drug manufacturers of the world.

Fact is getting control of America’s diabetes epidemic demands the public gain a better understanding of diabetes known causes.

The emergence of Metabolic Syndrome X has leaked some key findings through the big media cracks, but many health seekers have already started to solve this epidemic puzzle on their own.

Let’s speed this up a little and put some of this “leaked out” information about diabetes and related illnesses together.

Many scientific studies have shown an obvious connection between inflammation and diabetes. In fact, 50% of people with insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) also have hypertension, which is classified as an inflammatory condition.

Metabolic Syndrome X is insulin resistance, high blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity and “inflammatory markers” all together wrapped into one package.

What I’m sharing with you isn’t medicine; it’s science!

Anyone can find out how to remove the cause of diabetes and these other illnesses such as Metabolic Syndrome X, even without being a medical doctor — just being a fan of real science is enough to qualify.

I find it most exciting to discover science-based evidence that supports common sense; it seems so hard to find either these days.

There are studies linking chronic systemic inflammation to diabetes, as well as heart disease, even cancer.

When news of this gets out, it is going to be HUGE!

The risk factors for diabetes still stand, and if you want to cure your diabetes then the only way is to address its root cause by making lifestyle modifications.

Curing diabetes in itself is the epic event of our times.

Here are 3 things you’ll have to change to cure your diabetes:

• Your Attitude: “If you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right!”

• Your Diet: “Too much animal fat disrupts insulin function.”

• Your Lifestyle: “Laying around smoking and drinking alcohol and pop is harmful.”

Diabetes is a complex series of symptoms that starts with “loss of cellular energy, acidosis and then inflammation.” Beyond that, your immune system becomes overburdened, as your cellular communications degenerates and gets scrambled.

Diabetes type II is an effect of low-grade chronic systemic inflammation and there’s proof diabetes type I is also associated with inflammation!

Your insulin is a messenger molecule. When its message gets scrambled, you can bet it’s not the only thing going wrong in your body.

Inflammation markers can also predict pre-diabetic conditions such as weight gain, hypertension, gestational diabetes and onset of insulin resistance.

Start with improving cell health, increase vital energy, detox and nurture your body with a natural alkaline diet, and at least, get some mild exercise.

Check out also for Joe barton diabetes solution kit and Joe Barton Publishing Company

Type 2 diabetes is quickly becoming the most common form of diabetes, accounting for about 90% of all newly diagnosed cases. This particular type of diabetes is caused by the body’s inability to properly use the insulin that is secreted by the pancreas. Without insulin, the cells cannot process the glucose that generated during digestion.

In recent years, medical research has been conducted that examines the efficacy of natural type 2 diabetes remedies. The resulting data has led many medical experts to recommend natural remedies for this life-threatening disease.

Findings of Medical Research for a Natural Diabetes Cure

• According to medical research conducted at Harvard University, turmeric spices have anti-oxidant properties that will reduce inflammation and help increase the cells’ ability to use insulin.

• The National Institute of Diabetes recommends using supplements of zinc, magnesium, and chromium to increase the body’s ability to process glucose.

• Medical researchers in Sweden have found that cinnamon is very useful in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. This is because it delays food leaving the stomach, allowing the body more time to process glucose.

• Basil is an herb that has is used widely in Indian food. It is believed that this accounts for the low rate of diabetes in India.

• Nutritional research has found that a vegetarian diet is advantageous to control and treat type 2 diabetes.

Based on these findings, many diabetics and natural health experts believe that type 2 diabetes remedies are successful by treating the disease through a healthy diet. This means eating all-natural foods and staying away from processed foods. Avoid refined carbohydrates, such as white flour, white rice, white sugar, etc. Stay away from sodas, artificial fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, and other unnatural drinks.

Another way to ensure a healthy diet is to take a high quality multivitamin at least once a day. A good multivitamin will fill in any nutritional gaps and help ensure that your body has everything it needs to operate at its most efficient levels.

Finding the Right Diabetes Cure for You

These are just a few of the findings that have been made in recent years. They suggest a certain course of natural treatment for diabetes, but there is much more that can be done. Certain alternative diabetes remedies will be more effective for some than others. Because of this, it is important to know all you can about type 2 diabetes and how to treat it.

To learn more about this disease and all of the tested diabetes remedies, download our Natural Diabetes Cure Report. Our remedy report will show you just how to treat this life-threatening disease without relying on expensive and dangerous drugs. Don’t wait any longer; get your copy today and get started with a natural diabetes cure!

Check out also for Diabetes Solution Kit and Barton publishing diabetes kit

Did you know diabetes symptoms are caused from inflammation?

Truth is every degenerative disease is at least associated with diabetes.

There are real doctors all over the world preventing, treating and curing diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2 using diet and lifestyle changes—NOT drugs!

Most people I mention this to immediately defend their diabetes type 1 by proclaiming that it can’t be cured.

Some of them actually get visually upset if you try to tell them the truth about their diabetes, whether it’s type 1, 2 or 3.

Like doctor, like patient.

If you ask anyone with diabetes type 1, what causes it? They will tell you no one knows. This tells me their doctor doesn’t know. It’s the first thing most doctors tell people before they write them a prescription for what they assume is their only choice . . . insulin for life.

I find it more than disturbing that a doctor would make such a broad assumption as to claim that “no one” knows what causes diabetes.

That’s ridiculous . . .

I know lots of people who know what causes diabetes type 1 and diabetes type 2. Some are medical doctors and others are normal everyday people who have a passion for discovering the truth for themselves.

As you might already know, diabetes is at least associated with inflammation just like heart disease, immune system problems and even cancer.

The exciting thing is now that you understand inflammation is a main factor; you’re light years closer to finding the cause of your diabetes by simply learning the causes of chronic inflammation.

Now you know that whatever causes a specific type of inflammation is the same cause of your diabetes. Just because chronic inflammation triggers complications like diabetes, heart disease and cancer doesn’t mean the solution is any more complicated . . . because really it’s not.

The most difficult step is putting away misinformation and mustering the courage to believe your diabetes symptoms have a reversible cause, whether diabetes type 1 or diabetes type 2.

That’s honestly the hardest part. Because if you really want to live diabetes free, you need to get excited about removing the cause of your symptoms, not only treating them.

There’s plenty of real science to back up the fact there’s a cure for diabetes. The purpose of this article isn’t to do everything for you at once . . . I simply want to whet your appetite so you’ll start to change your perspective about diabetes.

You can easily find the right diabetes remedy that will work for you, but first stop thinking your pancreatic beta cells are dead. They are most likely not dead, only dormant or injured.

The beta cells make your insulin, which regulate your blood sugar levels. This entire sugar/insulin metabolism has to do with YOU being able to “nurture” healthy cell membranes.

You can do it by working with your body better. Later, I’ll tell you more, meanwhile, start opening books and search out the truth about diabetes symptoms and causes. It will set you free!

Check out also for Joe barton diabetes and Diabetes Reversed Spice

Diabetes patients often experience stages of extremely high blood sugar. This is because their bodies are not working properly at the cellular level – their cells cannot use the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. This inability to use insulin is the reason for high blood sugar, which is the reason for diabetes.However, it is possible to treat this life-threatening disease through herbal remedies and a few lifestyle changes. If you are hoping to reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes, this article will teach you how to accomplish this.

Herbal Remedies for Type 2 Diabetes

In order to treat type 2 diabetes naturally, you need to know which herbs can be used to lower your blood sugar. One of the most effective herbal diabetes remedies is salacia oblonga. This herb will help the cells utilize more insulin than they normally can, and thus will help lower your blood sugar levels. This remedy works incrementally, preventing any undesired shock to the body’s systems. This remedy has been used in India as a remedy for all manner of ailments, including diabetes.

Medical research conducted into the efficacy of salacia oblonga by Dr. Andrew Weil has found that this remedy is a safe and effective way of controlling blood sugar because of its incremental nature. In the research study, it was found that the vast majority of diabetics who took salacia oblonga were able to lower their insulin dosage, while some were able to stop altogether.

Sources from the University of Maryland Medical Center have found this herb is one of, if not the most effective herbal remedy for diabetes. However, you must know the proper dosage before taking this herb. Taking too much can have negative effects.

Other Herbal Diabetes Remedies

There are many other herbal type 2 diabetes remedies. Bitter melon has been used as a remedy for diabetes and other ailments in China for centuries. This remedy works to reduce the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. Another effective remedy is the fenugreek seed. Like bitter melon, it works to lower blood glucose. Gymnema has been studied and is considered by some to be a potential replacement for synthetic insulin. Cinnamon has been found to help lower blood sugar as well.

To learn even more natural diabetes treatments and how best to use them, please download our Natural Diabetes Remedies Report. Our remedy report is based on all the latest medical research. Our step-by-step instructions will guarantee the successful treatment of your diabetes. Don’t let this disease shorten your life – download your copy today.

Check out also for Barton publishing diabetes kit and Diabetes Solution Kit

While those within the fructose industry lead us to believe high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is like any other sugar we use (cue the bad commercials), there are many food and health professionals that strongly believe otherwise. Not to mention a 2012 study, published in the Journal of Global Health, has found that countries using high fructose corn syrup have 20% higher rate of diabetes than countries that dont. But, why is that?

While the Corn Refiners Association says that HFCS is healthy when consumed in moderation, just like table sugar, there is an important difference between the two: corn syrup does not turn off the appetite. In fact, it does quite the opposite.

For diabetics, HFCS does not stimulate insulin secretion or reduce ghrelin, the hormone that tells us were hungry. Instead, fructose causes your uric acid levels to rise, which blocks insulin from storing the sugar for proper energy use. Basically, HFCS limits your body in its ability to metabolize food and regulate appetite. Thus, as fructose is turned into fat, you continue eating more.

Health and diabetes professionals have found that the growing use of HFCS runs parallel to the rise in obesity in US the top consumer of HFCS in the world, consuming 55lbs of HFCS a year. (1)

Where Can You Find HFCS?

If youre battling type 2 diabetes, or on the road to pre-diabetes, its important to know what foods contain HFCS and how to avoid them. It is used as a sweetenerin a variety of foods and drinks, including:
  • Soda
  • Pancake syrup
  • Cereals and cereal bars
  • Ketchup
  • Sauces
  • Popsicles
  • Yogurt
  • Breads and baked goods
  • Salad dressings
  • Juice and cocktails
  • Nutrition bars
  • Canned peanuts
  • Canned fruit
  • Canned soups
  • Jams/Jellies/Preserves
  • Frozen foods and pre-made foods

If youre trying to control or avoid diabetes, HFCS should be non-existent in your diet. That means avoiding is an absolute necessity. There are a number of ways you can avoid the cleverly disguised HFCS in prepackaged and processed foods. Make your own food when possible to ensure quality ingredients are being used.

Make your own salad dressings: Find high quality oils and vinegars, even those that are infused with spices, to create yummy salad toppers.

Make your own sauces: Sauces can also be easily made beginning with a can of stewed tomatoes. Add a variety of spices to make it your own. Use apple cider vinegar for tenderizing and tart flavor!

Stop drinking soda: If you like soda for the carbonation, then switch to seltzer, or make your own seltzer and add in natural sweeteners such as vanilla. Better yet, try Kombucha, a fizzy, fermented drink with a tangy taste that is loaded with probiotics.

Read ingredients: Not every packaged food has HFCS, so be sure to read the ingredients list of each and every item. Look out for ingredients disguised as HFCS. Many manufacturers will list these names just in case you are looking at ingredients and want to avoid HFCS. Some other names for HFCS are:

o Inulin
o Glucose-Fructose Syrup
o Iso Glucose
o Chicory
o Fruit Fructose
o Corn Sugar

Health professionals have found that high fructose corn syrup is a major culprit in the rise of diabetes. Because it causes uric acids level to rise, keeping the sugar from being stored for energy and not regulating your appetite, your likelihood of gaining weight increases. The more HFCS food you eat, the more at-risk you are for obesity and diabetes.

So, whether you already have diabetes, or are pre-diabetic, its important you avoid this dangerous fructose ingredient all together. By making your own foods, being aware of ingredients and turning to alternatives, you can lower your chances of diabetes and live a healthier life.

Check out also for Barton Publishing Company and Barton publishing diabetes reviews

Once again, gut bacteria proves to affect our health far more than we realized. Science has discovered that those who have diabetes, also have high levels of pathogens (bad bacteria) in their intestinal tract” compared to those without diabetes!

This discovery only reinforces what natural health practitioners like myself have said for years:

Your gut is the center of your health.

It is truly incredible what a healthy gut can do for the body! This new research validates the fact that a healthy gut can prevent diseases. It turns out that the microflora in your digestive tract may play a role in the development (or reversal!) of diabetes.

In this recent study, scientists were able to determine that over half of those with Type 2 diabetes had a digestive tract riddled with toxic bacteria. These scientists suggested that the imbalance of healthy gut flora to toxic bacteria create an environment that could actually activate Type 2 diabetes! These findings can lead to huge steps towards the diabetes prevention! Something as simple as a balance of gut flora could be what facilitates the elimination of the diabetes epidemic!

Obesity is often the major focus when it comes to diabetes treatment and prevention. And well it should be! Obesity can cause a whole host of health problems! However, calorie restrictive diets and weight loss can only do so much for your health.

Overcoming diabetes is much more than a number on a scale. It is the internal balance in the body that truly makes the difference. Being lean but lacking essential vitamins and minerals can be as damaging as being overweight!vThe same goes with the balance of microflora or gut bacteria in the body!

* The right gut bacteria can protect and nurture the lining of the digestive tract both treating and preventing diabetes before it even starts.
* The wrong bacteria can inflame the digestive tract and lead to a whole host of health issues

One of the best ways to begin to balance your intestinal flora is to cut out the foods that feed the pathogenic organisms. Bad bacteria LOVE sugar. I don’t just mean white sugar either. They love anything that converts into sugar in the body. This includes any refined carbohydrate you can imagine. Cutting out these gut damaging foods will dramatically change the composition of bad to good bacteria in your gut. It will also cause you to naturally lose weight! This is the two birds with one stone healthy method at beating diabetes!!

Start your journey to intestinal balance by swearing off any white carbohydrates you can name, like:

* White bread
* White sugar
* White potatoes
* White rice

The more grains and carbohydrates you can cut out of your diet, the better! This is because pathogenic bacteria feed on sugar in the body. Starving them of what they need to live causes them to die off.

The next step is to start incorporating gut loving foods into your diet. These fermented foods contain beneficial live organisms that will repopulate your gut. This gives your body the correct balance to combat disease. Some fermented food choices with good gut bacteria include:

* Kombucha Tea
* Kefir (unsweetened)
* Yogurt (unsweetened)
* Saurkraut (no vinegar added)

You will also want to invest in a good supplemental probiotic in order to boost your good bacteria levels. Depending on how low your good gut bacteria levels are, it could take a lot of yogurt to get to where it needs to be. Probiotics can contain up to billions of bacteria cultures in just one tiny pill! I recommend one with at least 6 different strains of bacteria, and at least 15 billion CFU’s per pill.

You may begin to feel the effects of your gut rebalancing once you begin this protocol. Initially you may experience some diarrhea or constipation. I encourage you to stick with it! This will pass and it is just your body adjusting to it’s new immune boosting conditions.

Remember, treating and preventing diabetes involves much more than just getting your weight “under control.” It’s about getting your entire body back in order and balance! Start with improving the health of your gut, the center of the health of your body!

Diabetes, like most diseases, can be prevented and treated if your body has sufficient good gut bacteria and is low in unhealthy pathogens. Make steps towards a healthy gut today and see your diabetes take a turn for the better!

Check out also for : Barton Publishing Company and Barton publishing diabetes kit  

It’s scary to hear that you are on the pre-diabetes track; even scarier that 11% of people pre-diagnosed develop type 2 diabetes within a year. ( But instead of feeling helpless it’s time to feel empowered. While reversing pre-diabetes diagnosis can seem daunting, simple lifestyle changes can be all you need to get back to square one. The route to reversing your pre-diabetes diagnosis is similar to the pillars of living a healthy life; these 3 simple changes can be all that you need. Build them into your routine now and avoid diabetes all together.

Tweak Your Diet

One of the most significant reasons you are now pre-diabetes is most likely your diet. Years of ingesting fattening, high caloric foods have caused serious damage to your body and insulin sensitivity. Eating healthy will be your first step in getting it back into your control.

Insulin control: Diabetes occurs when your body becomes desensitized to insulin. To reverse this you need to limit your intake of sugars and processed carbohydrates. Be sure that you’re building lean proteins, a moderate amount of healthy fat and a variety of veggies into your diet. Consider how you can tweak your favorite meals – a burger, pizza – to be healthier and still enjoyable.

Start Moving

More than likely, this is not the first time you’re hearing this – to reverse diabetes or pre-diabetes – you need to start working out. It seems easy to dismiss that piece of advice because you hate going to the gym or running outside, but, that doesn’t have to stop you. 150 minutes of exercise a week is all you need to start reversing these effects; that’s less than 22 minutes a day.

Instead of forcing yourself to hit the gym, consider the simple ways you can workout that are sustainable; things that you’ll want to continue doing as you focus on your health now and later. A few things to start with include:

• Hiking
• Speed walking
• Dancing
• Canoeing
• A game of tennis, basketball, soccer, etc

Get More Sleep

You’re probably wondering what sleep has to do with your pre-diabetes. Contrary to what you might think, it has everything to do with it. A tired body looks for energy somewhere, and you’re likely turning to high sugar food and beverages to your diet for it.

However, not only can sleep-deprivation be a pre-cursor to diabetes but eating unhealthily leads you to lose sleep – constant nighttime urination, for example, is a good sign that your kidneys are trying to get rid of your body of its high blood sugar. So, what is the trick to getting more sleep?

Avoid sugars at night: While you should be eating healthy all day, it’s especially important to avoid any and all sugars or carbohydrates at night. These will raise your blood sugar, keeping you from dozing off. You don’t sleep at night, you eat sugar for energy, you can’t sleep again… the cycle goes on.

If you’ve been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you can make simple lifestyle modifications now that will change the rest of your life. Making healthier diet choices, finding a fun way to stay active, and getting more sleep can all put you on the path to a longer and healthier life – to reverse pre-diabetes.

Check out also for : Barton Publishing Natural Home Remedies and Joe Barton Publishing Company

What if you discovered most all diseases, including diabetes, are all caused from the same thing??? Would you even believe it?

Let’s face it: we live in a drug-driven culture where the pharmaceutical drug companies earn 4-5 times for money than ANY other Fortune 500 businesses. Who do you think controls most all the information about diabetes you hear or see?

The truth is you will never hear a commercial telling you how to change your diet and lifestyle to reverse your diabetes type 1 or type 2.

Diabetes is just a simple immune system disorder — it’s not really even a disease.

There is no scientific proof you have this diabetes “disease” at all. Has your doctor taken a photo of your diabetes disease?

Technically, diabetes is a simple curable “disorder” responsible for a lot of medical drug sales.

People are being cured of diabetes every day. In fact, more often than not, a placebo (inert pill) will help your diabetes symptoms better than any pharmaceutical drugs.

The power of the mind is as important to reversing your diabetes, as is the proper diet and adequate exercise.

There is so much evidence-based science that proves diabetes can be cured; it’s not even funny.

Yes, I’m talking about type 1, type 2 or even the NEW type 3 diabetes.

You basically have two choices:

•    The Pharmaceutical Drug Approach: Focuses on single nutrients and their synthetic counterfeits, or drugs whose long-term benefits are highly questionable. This practice is about 150 years old.

•    The Nutritional Approach: Uses highly integrated effects of all whole food nutrients with a more “natural” flair. This approach to healing is thousands of years old.

The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted

The startling implications for diet, weight loss and long-term health revealed in The China Study is one of those inarguable studies that is changing the way we look at science and health forever.

It reveals the diabetes monster is nothing but a toothless paper tiger.

Most immune disorders, like diabetes, heart disease and cancer all have a common trigger known as INFLAMMATION.

This is one of the most important discoveries of our time. Don’t write is off because of its outrageous simplicity.

If you want to go into it and understand the true cause of your diabetes cure and symptoms, you’ll learn to see inflammation as a cry for nutritional help, not pharmaceutical drugs.

Inflammation can affect any cell in your body. The type of cell that is inflamed will determine what symptoms you will have. Inflammation of your liver, heart or pancreatic cells all have different results, but that would never rule out that they may all have the same cause.

I’m sure you would agree knowing your diabetes (type 1 or type 2) is a curable “symptom of inflammation” does make it easier to have faith that your diabetes can really be cured, which is the first and most important step to your total recovery: properly informed belief.

Check out also for : Diabetes Solution Kit and Joe barton diabetes solution kit

You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faassé
Health Advocate

Did you know that inactivity increases the need for insulin, even if you’re a type 1 diabetic?

It may surprise you to learn that mild exercise is even more effective for lowering high blood sugar levels to normal levels than an insulin shot.

Physical activity enhances your muscle cell’s ability to use insulin and blood sugar and takes the stress off your insulin creating pancreainsultic cells.

New science has discovered that even mild exercise improves the health of your cell membranes making them more sensitive to insulin and glucose absorption.

Just 30 minutes of brisk walking a day has been proven to reduce to risk of diabetes type 2 by 30% (from the famous Nurses’ Health Study).

The 11 biggest risk factors for diabetes and diabetics alike are:

• Inactivity
• Obesity
• Eating processed foods
• High sugar diet
• Low fiber diet
• High insulin is the site devoted to Barton’s remedies for diabetes, pre diabetes, and syndrome X.