Barton Publishing, based in Brandon South Dakota, was founded in 2003 by Joe Barton
Why is it people are still dying from diabetic complications, even though they have been monitoring and lowering blood sugar levels and following their doctors’ orders?

The answer is because diabetes is a symptom of an imbalance that drugs fail to address.

Even though these drugs cover up the surface symptoms, the underlying problem is still raging like a toxic current beneath the calm surface.

I watched my grandparents die from diabetic complications despite decades of chemically lowering and monitoring their blood sugar levels.

There is new science that trumps all this failed pseudo-medicine.

Leading researchers have proven repeatedly that diabetes can be cured. The fastest to respond to this new science of healing is type 2 diabetes, also called diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes and insulin resistance; it’s all the same really.

The new science I’m sharing with you is based on the discovery that when you nurture the environment your cells thrive in, your cellular health will improve.

The evidence of this can be measured by the health of your cell membranes.

Diabetes is a symptom of an imbalance that causes your normal cellular communication network — I like to call the “Inner-net” — to break down.

Overcoming diabetes, or for that matter pre-diabetes and insulin resistance, depends on knowing what causes this communication breakdown.

Approximately 60,000,000,000,000 (trillion) cells that you call your body depend on constant energy signals, which carry vital information.

Once these important signals are interfered with the normal functions, like regulating energy, fuel and blood sugar levels malfunction.

Recently, leading experts have discovered that inflammation is definitely the main culprit in almost every degenerative disease.

Diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes is clearly triggered from inflammation.

The main cause of this inflammation has been traced back to saturated animal fats, refined sugar and dehydration.

Everybody is unique and there are other damaging factors that play a role in symptoms of diabetes, heart disease, obesity and chronic fatigue. Some of them have been traced to excitotoxins like aspartame (NutraSweet), Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and even Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) found in plastics.

At the risk of repeating myself, I have to tell you that by removing the cause of diabetes symptoms you eliminate the effect, or disease. This is Mama Nature’s law of cause and effect.

By studying the science that’s curing diabetes type 1, type 2 and recently type 3, there is a common factor: nurturing cell health.

Restore cell health by increasing energy and inflammation disappears along with the diabetes symptoms and most importantly . . . all the diabetic complications.

Check out also for Diabetes Solution Kit and Joe barton diabetes solution kit

It is a fact that there are many different ways in which you can control your diabetes. Each day, it seems more people are interested in using natural remedies as a cure for diabetes. Most will turn to the internet in their search for answers and they will find plenty.

However, separating accurate information from imaginary drivel is not always easy. Many people do not have the experience necessary to discern good information from bad. But if a little common sense is applied, it is not all that difficult. The first thing to remember is that not everything on the internet is true. The second thing to realize is that natural diabetes remedies have been researched and are usually the most effective.

Common Sense Tips to Reverse Diabetes

Here are a few basic natural diabetes remedies:

1. Avoid starchy foods as they are the most difficult for the body to break down.

2. Avoid consuming sugars and alcoholic beverages.

3. Stick to a low-fat diet.

4. Eat vegetables that help to lower blood sugar levels. These include items like garlic, beans, sprouts, and onions.

5. Avoid eating foods that are high in sodium, like ham, bacon, and other pork products.

6. Stay as far away from highly processed foods, like fast food, as you can.

Other Effective Natural Remedies

The preceding tips are just the beginning if you hope to effectively and naturally reverse diabetes. Instead of just avoiding certain foods, there are some foods that you need to include in your diet. Here are just a few:

1. Make a tea from mango leaves. This is a very helpful natural diabetes remedy. Soak the leaves in water overnight and drink the solution in the morning before eating anything.

2. Chewing curry leaves on an empty stomach has been found to lower the levels of glucose in your bloodstream.

3. Mix a teaspoon of amalaki powder into a glass of water and let it sit for a few hours. Strain this mix through a coffee filter, add a squeeze of lemon juice, and drink first thing in the morning.

There are Many More Natural Diabetes Remedies…

These natural remedy tips are hopefully enough to get you started down the road to good health. But there is still much you need to learn to completely reverse diabetes. To learn everything you need to know about controlling diabetes naturally, please download our Natural Diabetes Remedies Report now. Our 100% guaranteed diabetes reversal report contains all the effective natural remedies for this disease and shows you step-by-step how to use them for maximum results.

Don’t let diabetes dictate how you live your life. Take control and live the life you have dreamed of. We can help!

Check out also for Diabetes Reversed Spice and Barton publishing

A gestational diabetes diet plan is necessary to help protect your long term health and the health of your baby.

Most women don’t know how to cure gestational diabetes, but all it takes is a proper 5-step diet plan.

You, like me, are probably tired of hearing about this or that diet plan. The science is in and the evidence is out: the only other thing that comes close to being as important as good “gestational diabetes” diet plan is your beliefs and attitudes toward your health.

There couldn’t be a more important time in “both” your lives than now, to discover the healing edge of eating and thinking in a more empowering fashion.

Isn’t it funny how Mother Nature gives nutritional priority to the newly developing life growing inside your body? This is exactly why a diet plan for preventing, treating and curing gestational diabetes is so very important.

You are living in an age of great discoveries. Every day scientists learn new consequences and benefits of our food choices. The right gestational diet plan is a result of making wise choices to help create a healthier baby.

Diabetes is really just a symptom of a nutritional imbalance at the cellular level.

Dr. Inder Singh reported in the Lancet1, the amazing results of a study which had 80 diabetic patients on a very restrictive low-fat diet, consuming only 20 to 30 grams of fat a day, and sugar intake was lowered to zero.

Within six weeks, more than 60% of the patients no longer required insulin! Later, that number rose to more than 70%!

Even though gestational diabetes is a temporary imbalance associated with pregnancy, it should be treated and cured with the utmost importance for the sake of both mother and child.

There’s a reason why the low-fat diet plan will work for gestational diabetes, as well.

Think of your pancreas as a thermostat, except that instead of turning on heat, it turns on insulin in the presence of sugar.

As it turns out, high levels animal fat blocks your insulin from controlling the sugar in your blood2.

In a nut shell, if you are suffering from gestational diabetes or interested in preventing, treating or curing diabetes through wise eating habits, then simply follow this 5-step gestational diabetes diet plan:

1. Reduce saturated fat

2. Eliminate all refined sugar

3. Increase natural fiber intake

4. Drink naturally alkaline water

5. geGet mild levels of exercise

Check out also for The Diabetes Solution Kit and Diabetes Reversed Spice is the site devoted to Barton’s remedies for diabetes, pre diabetes, and syndrome X.