Barton Publishing, based in Brandon South Dakota, was founded in 2003 by Joe Barton
Once again, gut bacteria proves to affect our health far more than we realized. Science has discovered that those who have diabetes, also have high levels of pathogens (bad bacteria) in their intestinal tract” compared to those without diabetes!

This discovery only reinforces what natural health practitioners like myself have said for years:

Your gut is the center of your health.

It is truly incredible what a healthy gut can do for the body! This new research validates the fact that a healthy gut can prevent diseases. It turns out that the microflora in your digestive tract may play a role in the development (or reversal!) of diabetes.

In this recent study, scientists were able to determine that over half of those with Type 2 diabetes had a digestive tract riddled with toxic bacteria. These scientists suggested that the imbalance of healthy gut flora to toxic bacteria create an environment that could actually activate Type 2 diabetes! These findings can lead to huge steps towards the diabetes prevention! Something as simple as a balance of gut flora could be what facilitates the elimination of the diabetes epidemic!

Obesity is often the major focus when it comes to diabetes treatment and prevention. And well it should be! Obesity can cause a whole host of health problems! However, calorie restrictive diets and weight loss can only do so much for your health.

Overcoming diabetes is much more than a number on a scale. It is the internal balance in the body that truly makes the difference. Being lean but lacking essential vitamins and minerals can be as damaging as being overweight!vThe same goes with the balance of microflora or gut bacteria in the body!

* The right gut bacteria can protect and nurture the lining of the digestive tract both treating and preventing diabetes before it even starts.
* The wrong bacteria can inflame the digestive tract and lead to a whole host of health issues

One of the best ways to begin to balance your intestinal flora is to cut out the foods that feed the pathogenic organisms. Bad bacteria LOVE sugar. I don’t just mean white sugar either. They love anything that converts into sugar in the body. This includes any refined carbohydrate you can imagine. Cutting out these gut damaging foods will dramatically change the composition of bad to good bacteria in your gut. It will also cause you to naturally lose weight! This is the two birds with one stone healthy method at beating diabetes!!

Start your journey to intestinal balance by swearing off any white carbohydrates you can name, like:

* White bread
* White sugar
* White potatoes
* White rice

The more grains and carbohydrates you can cut out of your diet, the better! This is because pathogenic bacteria feed on sugar in the body. Starving them of what they need to live causes them to die off.

The next step is to start incorporating gut loving foods into your diet. These fermented foods contain beneficial live organisms that will repopulate your gut. This gives your body the correct balance to combat disease. Some fermented food choices with good gut bacteria include:

* Kombucha Tea
* Kefir (unsweetened)
* Yogurt (unsweetened)
* Saurkraut (no vinegar added)

You will also want to invest in a good supplemental probiotic in order to boost your good bacteria levels. Depending on how low your good gut bacteria levels are, it could take a lot of yogurt to get to where it needs to be. Probiotics can contain up to billions of bacteria cultures in just one tiny pill! I recommend one with at least 6 different strains of bacteria, and at least 15 billion CFU’s per pill.

You may begin to feel the effects of your gut rebalancing once you begin this protocol. Initially you may experience some diarrhea or constipation. I encourage you to stick with it! This will pass and it is just your body adjusting to it’s new immune boosting conditions.

Remember, treating and preventing diabetes involves much more than just getting your weight “under control.” It’s about getting your entire body back in order and balance! Start with improving the health of your gut, the center of the health of your body!

Diabetes, like most diseases, can be prevented and treated if your body has sufficient good gut bacteria and is low in unhealthy pathogens. Make steps towards a healthy gut today and see your diabetes take a turn for the better!

Check out also for : Barton Publishing Company and Barton publishing diabetes kit  

It’s scary to hear that you are on the pre-diabetes track; even scarier that 11% of people pre-diagnosed develop type 2 diabetes within a year. ( But instead of feeling helpless it’s time to feel empowered. While reversing pre-diabetes diagnosis can seem daunting, simple lifestyle changes can be all you need to get back to square one. The route to reversing your pre-diabetes diagnosis is similar to the pillars of living a healthy life; these 3 simple changes can be all that you need. Build them into your routine now and avoid diabetes all together.

Tweak Your Diet

One of the most significant reasons you are now pre-diabetes is most likely your diet. Years of ingesting fattening, high caloric foods have caused serious damage to your body and insulin sensitivity. Eating healthy will be your first step in getting it back into your control.

Insulin control: Diabetes occurs when your body becomes desensitized to insulin. To reverse this you need to limit your intake of sugars and processed carbohydrates. Be sure that you’re building lean proteins, a moderate amount of healthy fat and a variety of veggies into your diet. Consider how you can tweak your favorite meals – a burger, pizza – to be healthier and still enjoyable.

Start Moving

More than likely, this is not the first time you’re hearing this – to reverse diabetes or pre-diabetes – you need to start working out. It seems easy to dismiss that piece of advice because you hate going to the gym or running outside, but, that doesn’t have to stop you. 150 minutes of exercise a week is all you need to start reversing these effects; that’s less than 22 minutes a day.

Instead of forcing yourself to hit the gym, consider the simple ways you can workout that are sustainable; things that you’ll want to continue doing as you focus on your health now and later. A few things to start with include:

• Hiking
• Speed walking
• Dancing
• Canoeing
• A game of tennis, basketball, soccer, etc

Get More Sleep

You’re probably wondering what sleep has to do with your pre-diabetes. Contrary to what you might think, it has everything to do with it. A tired body looks for energy somewhere, and you’re likely turning to high sugar food and beverages to your diet for it.

However, not only can sleep-deprivation be a pre-cursor to diabetes but eating unhealthily leads you to lose sleep – constant nighttime urination, for example, is a good sign that your kidneys are trying to get rid of your body of its high blood sugar. So, what is the trick to getting more sleep?

Avoid sugars at night: While you should be eating healthy all day, it’s especially important to avoid any and all sugars or carbohydrates at night. These will raise your blood sugar, keeping you from dozing off. You don’t sleep at night, you eat sugar for energy, you can’t sleep again… the cycle goes on.

If you’ve been diagnosed with pre-diabetes, you can make simple lifestyle modifications now that will change the rest of your life. Making healthier diet choices, finding a fun way to stay active, and getting more sleep can all put you on the path to a longer and healthier life – to reverse pre-diabetes.

Check out also for : Barton Publishing Natural Home Remedies and Joe Barton Publishing Company is the site devoted to Barton’s remedies for diabetes, pre diabetes, and syndrome X.